15 Ways To Enrich Your Daily Life

Here are a few activities you can do every day to enrich your life and help manage the feelings many of us face during COVID-19.

  1. Exercise / Do something to speed up your heart rate
  2. Meditate / Do something to slow down your heart rate
  3. Be mindfully present to a: sound or song, sensory feeling, or something you see, or spiritual practice
  4. Reach out to a human outside of your home
  5. Accomplish a task that you’ll be glad you did in the future
  6. Get some good sleep or take a nap
  7. Go outside and get some sunshine
  8. Do something nice for someone else
  9. Laugh
  10. Take time for self-care
  11. Clean one thing or space
  12. Tend to something growing or living
  13. Tell someone why you appreciate them
  14. Thank someone for making a difference in your life
  15. Write down one thing you are thankful for each day

Remember, the things in life that make you rich are FREE.

Anxiety, depression, isolation, domestic violence, substance use, eating disorders, financial stress, grief, and so on… all of these things will outlast our time in quarantine and the COVID virus. If you or someone is struggling please reach out for help. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/managing-stress-anxiety.html