Why Catnaps are Important

We have all been there, 2pm rolls around and we hit our afternoon energy slump. Our eyes start to slowly droop and our head starts bobbing. We lose concentration and all we can think about is our bed and how nice it would be to take a nap. Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough to be able to take a catnap when sleepiness hits but there are many positive benefits if we could:

  1. Naps can increase attentiveness, therefore reducing errors and accidents.
  2. It can increase production. This coincides with our previous benefit, the more alert you are, the more focused and efficient you are in what you are doing.  
  3. It can improve your overall mood. Having a bad day? A nap will help.
  4. It can be a great form of relaxation. Beneficial for those with a lot of stress or those who suffer from anxiety.  
  5. It can reduce your intake of caffeine. The more awake you feel after the nap, the less caffeine you feel you need throughout the day.

Now not all catnaps are created equal, some are more beneficial than others. In order to get the most out of your catnap follow these few simple rules:  

  1. Try to find a comfortable and cool place to nap, you will fall asleep quicker and have a better quality of nap.
  2. Keep it short, about 10-30 minutes. Anything more can cause grogginess and the feeling of being disoriented.
  3. Try to nap early in the afternoon, around 2pm or 3pm. That way it does not disrupt your nightly sleeping pattern.

If the benefits of catnaps are still not persuading enough then I will leave you with a note from the National Sleep Foundation, the following valuable individuals of history were known to be habitual nappers: “Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Napoleon, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and George W. Bush are known to have valued an afternoon nap.” They went on to do great things, maybe a nap is all we need to succeed. 😊